Quality Inspections

Once your products have been paid for and shipped, you are beyond the point of no return. If you encounter quality issues at your location, in most cases, the costs are all at your expense.

Encountering quality issues is a predictable event that cannot be overlooked, what you can do is be sure that your products meet all the requirements before they leave the supplier’s premises and before making the payment balance.

We have inspected hundreds of orders with our staff located in every major industrial area of China. Our specialized inspectors, and our organizational network, will allow you to quickly obtain quality inspections at low cost.


Expediting is a real-time activity, which often requires proactive responses to situations that occur. With suppliers located on the other side of the world, you need reliable local experts with in-depth knowledge of procurement, production and delivery processes.

Late delivery, from any supplier, can impact the entire production chain, preventing projects from being completed on time and on budget. Expediting means taking any action necessary to ensure that deliveries are made on time and according to agreed specifications.

Our professionals are your eyes and ears, working with every link in your supply chain to keep you on schedule. We are always ready to perform:

– prior checks to prevent potential delays,
– order checks,
– revision of production programmes and specifications,
– monitor production,
– inform you of any delays or revisions and
– provide you with an independent overview of the progress. 

We also help you manage production milestones and work to get things back on schedule if deadlines aren’t met.

Non-destructive testing

We help you ensure the reliability and safety of your products with our services of non-destructive testing (NDT), material testing and welding quality. We have experience in manufacturing processes that, combined with our experience and knowledge of NDT and material testing, allow us to select the right techniques and procedures to detect defects and irregularities in your products to provide you with the data you need to make informed decisions. 

We can help you avoid potential catastrophic consequences and financial losses by detecting problems early before they cause damage. 

We work for a wide range of industries and our qualified professionals can perform a wide selection of specialist inspections such as ultrasonic tests, magnetoscopic tests, liquid penetrant tests and other specialist tests. We collaborate with several material testing laboratories, qualified according to the major international standards, each specialized in specific industrial sectors or testing specifications.